Much like rubber seals, plastic components can have compatibility issues with various base oils. While they are generally more adaptable than their rubber counterparts, using the wrong oil can cause major damage and lead to equipment breakdown. To ensure your machines stay up and running, check out our plastic compatibility chart before you buy.

Knowledge Center Links:
-Oil vs. Grease: What's the Difference?
-Conventionals, Synthetics and Blends
-Important Lubricant Organizations
Lubricants 201
Lubricants 301
-Handling and Storing Lubricants
-Lubricant Maintenance and Analysis
-Get Prepared for Warm Weather
-Dropping Point/Useable Temperature Chart
-The Right Motor Oil for the RIght Temperature
-Specially Tailored Lubricants Can Power Performance
-This Winter, Choose the Right Lubricant
-Benefits of Universal Tractor Fluids in Construction Equipment
-Chain Lubrication - Penetration is the Key to Success
-When Choosing Grease, Practice Due Diligence
-Metalworking Fluids: A Product Overview
-What's That Smell? Microbiological Growth in Metalworking Fluids